Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chrysler plant closures

Chrysler (auto company) will be closing all 30 of it's plants for one month due to the most severe downturn in U.S. auto sales in more than two decades. Americans who are affiliated with these Chrysler plants will have no source of income for the next 30 day. The Chrysler companies are doing this to preserve cash and to prevent a surplus in Chrysler cars on the car lots. I believe in order for a car compay to shine in todays economy, they need to do someting out of the ordinary, like make and produce cars that can run on water, or cars that get one hundred miles to the gallon. I feel bad that all of those people lost their jobs, but I think times will get better and the economy will get back on track within the next 2 years.

Can the Conyers Bill Save Your Home From Foreclosure?

In todays economy, millions of americans are filing for foreclosure, and the housing is going to continue to go down hill according to this article. In an attempt to help struggling homeowners, the U.S. government enacted the 'Conyers Bill' in 2007. The Conyers Bill provides relief to select homeowners who want to keep the ownership of their home in the event of bankruptcy.

Im glad that the government finally did something to help the struggling people of America. My family has been very fortunate and has never had to go through a foreclosure, but there are millions of americans who are alot less fortunate. The government will kick you out of your house if you do not keep the payments up. I do not believe this is a total solution to the foreclosure problem, but it is a start.

International Trade Blog Entry

I did the issue #1, and this is what i learned. Tariff's- Taxes on imports that increase the price of foreign made products. Trade agreements- most nations generally establish favorable rules of trade and typically reduce trade barriers. I strongly believe that the United States should have Tariffs on most of the imported goods. This would cause more products to be sold by the american companies/businesses. Than on the other side of the spectrum, Tariffs are a bad thing and should be lowered. This would help America export more goods because businesses could produce more goods if they had a larger market (world wide).

I believe free-trade-agreements are harmful and are ripping apart the american economy. Any smart entrepreneur would send their dirty work to a country like mexico because the work can be done for so damn cheap. They dont have any minimum wages, and the people are willing to wokr for a dollar an hour in Mexico, but in America the minimum wage is around 6 dollars. That means it is 6 times cheaper to send your work down to Mexico. The United States is also sending alot of manufacturing jobs overseas due to cheap labor.

Picture of John Locke could'nt be imported!!